Monday, May 21, 2012

Best Date Ever

The first thing you need to know about the Southern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire if you've never been, is that it is one of the only places/times (other than Halloween) where you can generally slut it up and you aren't judged. In fact your short skirts, bare midriffs and bulging breasts are extolled and worshiped. Men also join in the semi-clothed fun - they bare their chests and sport shorter than average kilts.

The other great thing about the Ren Faire is that it is a place where curvy girls get to be princesses, buxom wenches and bonnie barbarians.

The event comes around once a year every Saturday and Sunday from about mid-April to mid-May and I had already been once on the 5th of May, but I was asked out by guy and we decided to go on a group date to the Ren Faire. So I brought two of my best friends in the whole world, Gary and Becky and was ready to meet Andrew and have a great time.

Well to make a long story short he never showed and I haven't heard from him - clearly he is not a keeper. But rather than let that get me down I did all the things you can't do on a first date.

Firstly Becky and I shared a massive box of fresh cut cheesy curly fries in a most unladylike manner. 

Secondly, we flirted with Barbarians

Thirdly we succumbed to the charms of the Palace Guards

And were rewarded with a rose at the end of our courtship. 

Lastly, we feasted!!

Now to the serious part of the blog. It's hard not to feel down on yourself when you're stood up for a date. You start asking questions like "Why doesn't he want to go out with me?" "Was it something I said?" and you start questioning your looks and personality. It is just a downward spiral of sadness and self-deprication. Luckily I had two amazing friends who kept me busy and entertained so I really didn't have any time to think about these things. 

But inevitably you have to leave your friends and go home, and it is there while you lie in bed that those thoughts come pushing their way in. But the more I thought about it, the more I think that I'm actually glad he didn't show up. If this is any indication of his personality then he is clearly not someone I want to invest any time or effort into. Plus from our limited conversations, I think he might have been a bit of a racist and I'm not playing that game. 

So now I'm back at square one in the dating game. But I wont let it get me down - it's not so bad at square one. I'm armed with experience, a fierce determination and a list of deal breakers a mile long (I should probably work on those - but that is a blog for another time!)

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