Monday, February 20, 2012

The Beginning...

This blog is meant, mostly, to entertain people with the craziness and utter randomness that are my dreams. Since I have a lot of them to catch up on, I will try to post one from my journal record of crazy dreams on days that I can't remember what I dreamt the night before. And since I can't remember last night's, I shall pick one from my repertoire to amuse myself and hopefully the reader...

Friday, 20 February 2012

Last night I dreamt that I was running. The world had come to a catastrophic end and the zombies were amassing. Not a good start to a dream, I know, but there you go. Everything was dark, with an almost blue-green tinge. The streets were covered in trash and mangled cars. Fires burned in trash cans and the sounds of sirens rang in the air. My two friends (Brandy and Shan) and myself ducked around burning wreckage and bloody, half-eaten corpses. Ahead of us, on a grassy hill was a blue bungalow. The sun shown behind it like a beacon and it looked like it was a part of a different world. The world behind us was dark, dirty and terrifying. The world in front of us was clean, bright and safe. Making a run up the hill, I called back to my companions telling them that an old woman lived in this house and we would find protection here. 

Boy was I wrong...

From the ground there arose a tennis ball net. I immediately knew that we had been lead into a trap! I turned around and tried to run back to Brandy and Shan, but we were cut off from each other as tall fences rose around me, topped with electric wires to prevent any escape. The Old Woman appeared on the other side of the net from me and said that if I wanted to escape then I would have to beat her in a game of volleyball (Yes. We were about to play volleyball on a tennis ball court). We began to play, but she was cheating! I can't remember how she was cheating, I just know she was. I realized that my friend Stephanie and another girl from my class (though I can't remember who she is at this current juncture) were with the Old Woman and she had turned them into robots to obey her every whim! From the corner of my eye I saw that near the back of the court, the fence was pulling apart - but there wasn't enough room for me to fit through. With much effort I finally hit the ball far enough away that the Old Woman had to run for it. I took that opportunity to whisper to Brandy and Shan (on the other side of the fence). I instructed them to find weak points in the fence to make enough room for my escape. Even though I thought I had been very sneaky, the Old Woman knew what I was up to. I sat on the ground and cried about how it wasn't fair that she was cheating. When she turned away I ran for the hole in the fence Brandy and Shan had widened. 

Once out I found myself, no longer on the soft green grass of the Old Woman's front law, but on the hard brown surface of a desert. I crawled backwards through scraggly brush and short cacti, nearly falling over a small cliff. Stephanie chased me down and brought me back to the Old Woman's house. Brandy, Shan and I stood on the fire escape (because now the bungalow was no longer a bungalow, but a two story house), looking through a door to the inside where Stephanie stood with the Old Woman. I pleaded with Stephanie to let us go. Not knowing what to do I asked her if she loved the Old Woman. Stephanie nodded and said that she loved her more than anything because she had saved her (Stephanie's) life. I told her that the Yeerks (yes, the alien slugs from the Animorphs books) had taken over my brother and sister and they didn't remember me anymore. How would she feel if the Old Woman no longer knew her? Stephanie began to cry and decided she would let me go so I could free my family. But as she went to show us the way to freedom, she remembered she needed to do her Silver Condition Reporting (a homework assignment we had in class - that was due last week I might add). She ran away from me crying about not finishing in time and letting everyone down. 

And that's all I remember from that dream... 

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