Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Buses, Mordor and a Water Park

I don't remember last night's dream, so here is another one from the archives...

12 March 2010

What I can remember from this dream comes in snippets. I was standing at the bus stop in St Andrews, Scotland. It was late at night and a soft snow was falling all around me. Looking up from the ground I saw my friend Abi tiptoe past me in her pyjamas (which was a pretty awesome thing because she's in a wheelchair). I remember thinking "Ha! I've had a dream about her walking three times, so this must be real! I'm not hallucinating!"

Suddenly Abi became the bus driver, but she kept missing the stops we were supposed to pick people up at. We were meant to go see the movie Cirque du Freak's Vampire Assistant, but I soon realized that with Abi's driving and the people she had angered at the bus stops by missing them, we were never going to get there. Presumably because it would take too long 'cause she was slow, and the angry mob would attack before we could get inside the theatre. 

Then all of a strange sudden, I was in Mordor. However, it was a water park. I was trying to get inside, though I'm not sure why. I think it had something to do with the one ring and to save a princess and/or Gollum. I figured out how to open a gate that was several stories above the ground. It was created as a water gate to allow for a waterfall. Somehow I restored its supports and was able to enter (I'm going to assume that the water was not flowing and that is how I was able to get in...but I could be wrong). Once inside I tried to navigate the halls (because apparently on the other side of the water gate hanging in mid air was the inside of a castle. Huh. Whoda thunk it?), but I was found by Orcs! Not just any Orcs though... cartoon Orcs. I ran back and tried to rewind or reverse what I had done before but it wouldn't work... so I jumped out the window. That will clearly fix my problems. 

On several occasions I slid down some water slides (or so says the notes I wrote about the dream). 

Food for thought: Middle Earth as an amusement park. I wonder what kind of rides they would have...

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